How Nigerian women suffer from AGIPâs nonstop gas flaring & oil pollution
A woman and children walking along a road while in the distance a gas flare burns near to the community...
A woman and children walking along a road while in the distance a gas flare burns near to the community...
Some of the students in front of their flooded classroom (PHOTO: ClimateReporters/Elfredah Alerechi) By Elfredah Kevin-Alerechi It was on a...
EU tree planting By Kofi Adu Domfeh The European Union Delegation to Ghana has collaborated with the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly...
LâĂ©quipe de la WCF, dirigĂ©e par sa directrice exĂ©cutive Virginie Vergnes, en compagnie des participants de l'atelier (Photo : ClimateReporters/GorĂ©e...
the climate activists on the road By Kofi Adu Domfeh Young people in the Ashanti Region of Ghana are engaging...
Cette prĂ©occupation, se traduit le plus souvent, par lâorganisation, dans les pays oĂč se trouvent ses reprĂ©sentations, des activitĂ©s pour...
Les membres des diffeÌrentes parties prenantes avec les experts (Photo: ClimateReporters/GoorĂ© Zadi) Par GoorĂ© Medard ZADI A l'initiative du MinistĂšre...
Organisateurs et managers de la confĂ©rence Didier Hubert MADAFIME, ClimateReporters, Addis-Abeba Une fois actĂ©e la cĂ©rĂ©monie dâouverture, les participants Ă ...
PACJA's Mithika Mwenda LâAlliance Panafricaine pour la Justice climatique (PACJA) et ses partenaires, ont saisi, lâopportunitĂ© de la huitiĂšme confĂ©rence...
Ethiopian state minister Frehiwot Woldehanna and PACJA's Mithika Mwenda By Elias Ntungwe Ngalame The different stakeholders in the fight against...
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