Become A Reporter

Africa Climate Reports is proud of its growing and talented team of enthusiastic expert writers, all of whom have considerable experience in the field. Through them we are able to ensure that our readers are kept fully informed of the important regional and global green issues of the day.

However, we do not consider our team complete without you whose answers to the following questions are in the affirmative:

Are you interested in your environment?
Are you concerned about Africa’s rapidly depleting store of natural resources?
Are you bothered about the seemingly unstoppable decline in numbers of the region’s endangered species?
Are you interested in the hot environmental topics of the day? Do you want to save your climate?
Are you a writer or journalist able to devote some time to producing quality, regular, unique articles for a fast-developing prestigious online newspaper and environmental news resource?

We are flexible, there is no minimum or maximum requirement for the number of stories you contribute.

Africa Climate Reports is constantly on the lookout for talented and motivated writers who can write with enthusiasm and authority on a range of green news topics and environmental issues facing Africa.

Africa Climate Reports is a call to save our climate by reporting it so if your answer to all these questions is “yes” and you think you have what it takes, whether you can contribute one story per month or several per week then we would be delighted to hear from you.

Send a mail to editor(at)