Send Us Your Report

Send Us Your Report

Do you have an environmental story, climate experience or eco-friendly product or service to share with our readers? Would you like to have your story published and appear on Africa Climate Reports?

Africa Climate Reportsis an online environmental journal, agency and resource for ‘green’ issues. The possibility of publication on our site is open to everyone – individuals, groups, charities and organisations alike. If you have an report, article, photo or video relating to the environment, (in any respect), please send it to us for editorial review and possible publication.

Once accepted your report will be published on Africa Climate Reports in the appropriate category.


  • You don’t have to be a writer or journalist to send a report, your passion for the environment is your passport to publication.
  • Reports, articles, photos or videos may be on any current or breaking environmental news topic or climate related activity or disaster.
  • Authors receive full attribution.
  • Each report submitted will go through a formal editorial process before acceptance for publication

Please make use of the form below to send us your reports, articles, photos or videos.

Alternatively, you can forward reports to editor(at)

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