Africans contribute the least to the Climate Crisis but suffer the most
‘It’s time to end the scourge of fossil fuels and liberate a continent with clean power’(Getty Images) This week the UK pledged ...
‘It’s time to end the scourge of fossil fuels and liberate a continent with clean power’(Getty Images) This week the UK pledged ...
Foggara is a water management system in North African countries in which water from an underground aquifer is brought to ...
"We are witnessing a human-made climate emergency that will continue to make humanitarian crises worse"Photo from Around 490 million ...
Vaccination: How Rwanda is managing its COVID-19 vaccination rollout plans It’s been over a year since COVID-19 was declared a ...
African Energy Developments Demand Sustained Investment with new projects in Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda, and Senegal A recent uptick in direct ...
Agribusiness in Africa needs Disruptive, Non-traditional Investment Models The telecommunications and renewable energy industries understand a lot about disruption. One figured out ...
Global Leaders back Action on Climate Change in Africa. "Africa has an opportunity to advance its development exponentially if it ...
African Agriculture is ready for a Digital Revolution After a dark 2020, a new year has brought new hope. In ...
Africa digs for Coal to meet Energy Demands amid Climate Concerns Africa's energy needs are growing. This has led some ...
Climate Change has cut Global Agricultural Productivity by 21% since 1961 The University of Maryland (UMD) has collaborated with Cornell ...
Africa Climate Reports is Africa’s first and largest bilingual journal dedicated to opening new vistas in the coverage and reportage of climate change and the region’s environment. With a multi-lingual team of talented reporters from across the continent, we tell the African climate story in a refreshingly lucid, communally engaging and technically robust manner.