Global Stocktake, Loss and Damage Fund take centre stage as African Negotiators strategise for SB58
African Group of Negotiators on Climate Change (AGN) Lead Coordinators convene in Bonn, Germany As the African Group of Negotiators...
African Group of Negotiators on Climate Change (AGN) Lead Coordinators convene in Bonn, Germany As the African Group of Negotiators...
A wide view of the General Assembly Hall: photo credit - UNGA commuications Representatives from UN Member States meeting in...
Le Groupe des Négociateurs Africains Par Didier Hubert Madafime En matière de changement climatique les preuves scientifiques sur le continent...
The AGN has welcomed efforts by the African group of Negotiators Expert Support (AGNES) to address Africa’s climate science knowledge...
Ephraim Mwepya Shitima, the chair of the AGN The African Group of Negotiators on Climate Change (AGN) has re-affirmed its...
La COP 27 Par Didier Hubert Madafime Après la COP 26 à Glasglow et les résultats qui en sont issus,...
Le coton au Bénin Par Didier Hubert MADAFIME La plupart des pays africains misent sur cette culture non alimentaire pour...
Les installations de la centrale (PHOTO: AfricaClimateReports/Didier Madafime) Seulement 9% de l’utilisation d’énergies fossiles, le Kenya doit être l’un des...
réservoirs de stockage de gaz L’initiative vient d’un groupe de ministres africains de l’énergie. Face aux engagements manqués en matière...
Photo of a woman testing soil health at western Kenya - Climate-smart skills have potential to halt climate-induced human trafficking...
Africa Climate Reports is Africa’s first and largest bilingual journal dedicated to opening new vistas in the coverage and reportage of climate change and the region’s environment. With a multi-lingual team of talented reporters from across the continent, we tell the African climate story in a refreshingly lucid, communally engaging and technically robust manner.