By Bamidele Oni
The latest terminology and perharps a new point of focus for a possible blockbuster break coming from the climate change action hub of many drafts and agenda is the Intended nationally determined contributions, the INDC. This of course is no news again as the various member-countries of the UNFCCC are scrambling to come up with their relative scripting to ensuring a part in the all new series of saving the world strategy with the main feature of staying below the 2C safety threshold of earth warmth.
The expectations are quite high as the brand new series would be an all complete one, star-studded with the big shots (big emitter nations) as usual and of course with the yet to come to the limelight actors (light carbon footed nations). This time around the scripting is coming in a whole new dimension as each actor nation would have to come up with their most convenient and possible scripting that would fit the parts and roles allotted to each.
While each actor nation already has an assumed role each based on their respective capacity and capability as portrayed overtime from previous roles played. However there exists the differentiating factor which distinguishes the well famous actor nations, well known for their relative high contribution to the global greenhouse gases concentration and of course the upcoming star nations, that are right on the climb , up the ladder of joining the big emitter nations.
One good thing about this new series is that all would have an equal chance of starring all at once and no one would be left out regardless of status or accolades acclaimed overtime. So the scripting has begun and the movie location is been set while all necessary preparation is put in motion to ensure a ground breaking success at the premiere of this brand new series in the save the world seasons.
The producers and the major stakeholders are really working in earnest to ensure a big success this time around as prior episodes had never recorded so much success and that was the reason for coming up with the individual scripting strategy which is well anticipated to ensure a predefined content that would reflect an all-inclusive approach for a comprehensive and well highlighted outcome.
The anxious public who are also earnestly awaiting the release of this blockbuster are trying so hard to keep up with the scripting of the actor nations they idolize such that it conforms to the expectations with regards to the global view.
While the stage is getting set for the premiere of this much anticipated show and while every major stakeholder is busy with their scripting, a possible scenario of outcome is being postulated based on outcomes of prior engagements, the similitude of past attempts and agitation for the successful outcome which would fuel a possible captivating sequel in a dimension of progressive achievement. Would the INDC NOT END UP AS AN UNDERACHIEVING STRATEGY just like every other episode in save the World Series?
There are actually a number of questions to be asked here as regards the scripts already submitted and those that are yet to be submitted and the consideration is an all-inclusive one that concerns both the big actor nations and the upcoming actor nations.
Are the scripts the best representation of their capacities in accordance to their pedigrees? Would there really be a balance of roles such that a platform of equity is set for a tangible outcome and again would there be the feasibility of the various localized scripts been drafted by the participating actor nations taking a ground of influence in their respective nations prior to and even after the premiering of the new block buster.
It is of course one step to let out the call, prepare the scripts, groom the cast, set the stage and it’s another step to ensuring the new episode live up to the expectations and become a positive influence on the public in such a way that subsequent request for a remake would be impossible as all that would be needed to be achieved had been achieved and the only possible sequel would be in another dimension of dynamism of innovations.
Oni, Executive Director of Green Impact International writes from Abeokuta, Nigeria