Opening ceremony pictures from Bonn climate conference
By Atâyi Babs Opening ceremony in Bonn A cross-section of delegates Chistiana Figueres, UNFCCC Executive Secretary at the opening Laurent ...
By Atâyi Babs Opening ceremony in Bonn A cross-section of delegates Chistiana Figueres, UNFCCC Executive Secretary at the opening Laurent ...
Opening ceremony in Bonn By Atâyi Babs Amidst growing concerns over global rising temperatures and extreme weather events, the Bonn ...
Bonn Climate Conference By Olumide Idowu Governments meeting in Bonn, Germany, for the next two weeks to search for a ...
Aline Kuster-MENAGER a conduit elle même la visite (PHOTO: ClimateReporters/Didier Madafime) Par Didier Hubert MADAFIME Le fait est suffisamment rare ...
Achim Steiner, UNEP’s executive director Trillions of dollars need to be redirected into building low-carbon economies to avoid serious climate ...
George Wamukoya, Climate Change Advisor for the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) By Kofi Adu Domfeh Africa ...
Petersburg Climate Dialogue in Berlin (PHOTO: Tajiel Urioh) By Peter Labeja While, crucial momentum for achieving ambitious and binding climate ...
(PHOTO: ClimateReporters/Atâyi Babs) By Atâyi Babs At the second annual UN SUSTAINABLE ENERGY FOR ALL FORUM holding from the 18th ...
Paris COP 21, CMP 11 (PHOTO: ClimateReporters/Atâyi Babs) By Dr. Oliver Chinedu Ujah In about 6 months from now, the ...
Sandra Freitas and Seyni Nafo of African Group of Negotiators (PHOTO: ClimateReporters/Atâyi Babs) Par Landry ZAHORE. Il ya toutes les ...
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