Trump snubs Paris climate deal the second time, Africa’s hurt?
President Donald Trump By Kofi Adu Domfeh As Donald Trump was sworn into office for a second term as the ...
President Donald Trump By Kofi Adu Domfeh As Donald Trump was sworn into office for a second term as the ...
Marche pour le climat (PHOTO: Davy Wohary) Par notre Envoyé spécial La question des changements climatiques reste une réalité dans ...
Coal mining in Enugu, South-East Nigeria By Atayi Babs The Federal Government of Nigeria on Monday said it would consolidate ...
The 25 million-year-old Great Barrier Reef of Australia that almost passed away in 2016 By Bamidele Oni The last days ...
Alex Adele et Ghizlaine Badri Près d’une année près la signature, à Paris, d’un accord historique visant à limiter le ...
President John Mahama at the Paris COP 21 By Kofi Adu Domfeh Ghana’s Parliament has ratified the Paris Agreement on ...
The changing climate (PHOTO:publichealthmatters) By Kofi Adu Domfeh Climate change is the biggest global management challenge of the moment. It ...
Tosi Mpanu-Mpanu, LDC Group Chair (Democratic Republic of Congo) speaking at a UN meeting recently Ahead of the forthcoming international ...
Remise du Rapport au Premier Ministre D.Kablan Duncan, par le Ministre de l'Environnement Allah Kouadio Remi Par Kanzly MIDEH Quatre ...
Patricia Espinosa Cantellano, former Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Mexico UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon today named former Mexican Foreign ...
Africa Climate Reports is Africa’s first and largest bilingual journal dedicated to opening new vistas in the coverage and reportage of climate change and the region’s environment. With a multi-lingual team of talented reporters from across the continent, we tell the African climate story in a refreshingly lucid, communally engaging and technically robust manner.