Nigeria will develop agric and solid mineral sectors to overcome low oil prices – Buhari
President Buhari and his Saudi counterpart Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari disclosed last night in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, that his administration...
President Buhari and his Saudi counterpart Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari disclosed last night in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, that his administration...
l’Activité minière et l’orpaillage clandestins constituent un frein au développement de l’agriculture à Hiré Par Kanzly Mideh et Aïssatou Fofana...
A view of the panel at the event By Atayi Babs African countries launched AFR100 (African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative),...
Le plus gros diamant jamais découvert a été extrait au Botswana Le plus gros diamant jamais découvert depuis un siècle,...
Ivory stockpile (PHOTO:AFP) Kenya's wildlife authority on Monday vowed to destroy the east African country's vast ivory stockpile from several...
Markus Repnik, Managing Director, Global Mechanism of the UNCCD (PHOTO: IISD) A Public-Private Partnership to rehabilitate up to 12 million...
La 12ème Conférence des Parties (PHOTO: ClimateReporters/Didier HUbert Madafime) By Elias Ntungwe Ngalame in Ankara-Turkey The United Nations Secretary General...
Secrétaire exécutive de la Convention Cadre des Nations Unies pour la lutte contre la désertification, Monique Barbut Par Diane Nininahazwe...
A diamond mine in Central African Republic The Central African Republic’s (CAR) biggest traders have purchased diamonds worth several million...
Des mineurs travaillent dans une mine de diamants de Banengbele, à 10 km au sud de Boda, en Centrafrique, le...
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