Paris Agreement is a ‘bad deal for the environment’ – US insists

President Donald Trump and Emmanuel Macron of France
President Donald Trump and Emmanuel Macron of France

Officials of the Donald Trump-led administration in Washington today denied reports suggesting a reconsideration of the government’s decisio to pull out of the Paris Agreement.

National security adviser H.R. McMaster confirmed that President Trump is not reconsidering his decision to pull out of the Paris climate change accord but said the door remains open to a better agreement down the road.

“That’s a false report,” McMaster said of published reports over the weekend that the administration might not pull out of the deal after all and might seek new terms instead.

“The president decided to pull out of the Paris accord because it’s a bad deal for the American people and it’s a bad deal for the environment,” he said on “Fox News Sunday.”

The Wall Street Journal and Agence France-Presse had cited a top European climate official as saying that the United States was seeking ways to remain a party to the deal. The White House denied those reports in a statement Saturday, and McMaster underscored the U.S. position Sunday.

“The president’s ears are open if, at some point, they decide they can come forward with an agreement that addresses the president’s very legitimate concerns with Paris,” McMaster said.

Trump had announced in June that the United States would begin a three-year process of withdrawal. He said then that he could revisit the decision if the United States could renegotiate terms he sees as unfair.

The U.S. withdrawal was seen as a policy victory for then-adviser Stephen K. Bannon and his deep suspicion of international agreements and obligations. McMaster’s disagreements with Bannon over matters of policy, access to Trump and other issues are well known, and McMaster acted to reduce Bannon’s role.

Last month, Trump dismissed Bannon in a White House shake-up.


  1. […] He added that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and its “commissioners”—the EPA is headed by an administrator who has backed withdrawal from the global agreement owing to its impact on jobs—“are very very powerful in the sense that they want to have clean water, clean air—but we also want businesses that can compete. And the Paris accord really would have taken away our competitive edge. And we’re not going to let… […]


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