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Comments 4

  1. Dr Choji says:

    Great work, and congratulations to all who put their heads to produce this wonderful work. This is just a tip of the iceberg. Greater things await, and lets all gather and put all our efforts together to save the world, starting from Africa.

  2. dano says:

    Climate change is a reality the earlier we reorganize our socioeconomic life style as a people to become climate friendly the better for the entire continent of Africa.

  3. Hippolyte says:

    I am from Bénin, i like all news wich deal about climate.I just want to encourage you for you effort.Spécialy Mr MADAFIMIN who is my boss. I am a climate reporter junior.

  4. zadi goore medard says:

    i am zadi medard .iam an ivorian journalist and representative of a non governemental organisation acting against climatz changes effects on population

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