Poor funding limits African climate scientists – Cheikh Mbow

A group of Scientists at a session
A group of Scientists at a session during the conference

By Houmi Ahamed-Mikidache

Cheikh Mbow, a senior scientist at World Agroforestry Centre ICRAF has identified inadequate funding for research and poor support from African governments as part of the factors limiting the involvement of African scientists in climate meetings.

Mbow who studied physical geography at the Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar,  Senegal, where he specialized on remote sensing and forestry disclosed this during the international scientific conference, held in Paris at UNESCO headquarters.

Being among the few Africans that constituted the scientific committee at the conference, Mbow, in this  interview, also raised concerns on the position of policy makers towards African researchers.


  1. […] Mbow who studied physical geography at the Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar, Senegal, where he specialized on remote sensing and forestry disclosed this during the international scientific conference, held in Paris at UNESCO headquarters. Being among the few Africans that constituted the scientific committee at the conference, Mbow, in this interview, also raised concerns on the position of policy makers towards African researchers. Read the article : Poor funding limits African climate scientists – Cheikh Mbow | Climate Reporters […]


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