Addis Ababa — African ministers in charge of finance, planning and economic development, as well as leading figures from the private and public sectors will participate in the 54th session of the ECA Conference of Ministers (CoM2022) from the 11th to the 17th of May 2022.
The hybrid event will be jointly hosted by the Economic Commission for Africa and the government of Senegal on the theme “Financing Africa’s Recovery: Breaking New Ground”, in Dakar, Senegal.
The programme will include high-level ministerial panels and round table discussions on how to transform the continued threat of the COVD-19 pandemic into an accelerator of growth and global prosperity.
CoM2022 will also feature the launch of ECA’s annual flagship Economic Report on Africa.
President Macky Sall of Senegal, who currently holds the presidency of the African Union, is among the confirmed speakers.