Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT), a flagship programme of the African Development Bank, has announced the first edition of its investors’ forum.
The forum, which comes in response to multiple inquiries from the private sector on innovative agricultural technologies is scheduled to hold virtually on Tuesday the 15th of February 2022.
The TAAT Investors’ Forum will present new technologies available for scaling and licensing by the private sector.
The focused market segments include Rice, Maize, Sorghum, Millet, Wheat, Sweet potato, Cassava, Beans, with subsequent investors’ forum covering other commodity crops. The forum is organised in partnership with IITA GoSeed Ltd and the Business Incubation Platform of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
According to Dr Innocent Musabyimana, Head of the TAAT Clearinghouse, partnership with private sector players is crucial to scaling technologies and transforming African agriculture.
“While we will be presenting new technologies with great investment potential at this Investors’ Forum, it will also be an opportunity for us to brainstorm on future technologies and developments needed for Africa’s agricultural transformation,’ Dr Musabyimana added.
Launched in 2018 under the Feed Africa initiative of the African Development Bank, the TAAT programme connects innovative agricultural technologies from research institutes to public and private sector partners for adoption and scaling.
To register, click here: https://cutt(dot)ly/TAAT