From the hitherto unsafe cocoons of industrialised nations of the global north and their legendary dalliance with turbulence of every hue, climate change has burst forth on African shores with a sneeze that is reminiscent of asthmatic baboons in virgin forests.
What was once considered the exclusive preserve of those who engage cosmic forces through technological advancements has predictably navigated its way to the West African corridor.
From Abuja to Abidjan, from Niamey to Monrovia, from Lagos to Lome, climate change is increasingly becoming real with alarming greenhouse gas levels, frenetic rise in temperatures, astounding biodiversity losses, unmatchable sea level rise, flooding, drought, deforestation and desertification.
With this barefaced reality comes a west African media that is seemingly bogged down by the fear of factual and narrative challenges as well as distortions of balance bordering on inadequate comprehension of climate change terminologies, unmistakable absence of editorial support, and obsolete media tools and resources. There is no gainsaying the obvious that the above largely contributes to the poor coverage of climate change issues in this continent that is likely to be impacted acutely.
In view of the fact that climate change is and will continue to be one of the most important global issues confronting mankind, the West African media space cannot afford to relegate it to the back-burner as the attendant consequences of ignorance, general public misunderstanding of both the science and the policy implications of climate change will be too grievous for the populace especially the rural communities who are most vulnerable.
For a safer West African climate, there is a great need to engage media constructively with a view to opening vistas of effective collaboration between the government, civil society, faith-based organisations, and cultural bodies. A mix of all these elements in the media will go along way in promoting environmental sustainability across the region.
Governments at all levels must recognise and partner with the media to drive home mitigation and adaptation measures as well as set the agenda for climate justice for Africa at international negotiation tables.
The declining status of media coverage of the West African climate is an invitation for more innovative ways by which the costs associated with climate change coverage can be shared and defrayed. It needs to attract true partners within the media sector and beyond in addressing climate change issues and it must develop practical solutions to overcoming the systemic public apathy toward climate science and climate science journalism in West Africa.
Perhaps, it is in recognition of the aforesaid issues of urgent regional importance that ClimateReporters, the first online newspaper on climate change in the region navigated into existence. With its multilingual blend of experienced and budding reporters and columnists from across the region, ClimateReporters aspires to tell the West African climate story in a refreshingly lucid, communally engaging and technically robust manner as never seen before on the region. Judging from its maxim of “save your climate, report it,” its evident that the online news medium hopes to encourage and recruit all West Africans to report on on their environment as well as deploy their veritable, unhindered and matchless platform towards providing opportunities for many (who ordinarily can’t make it to the mainstream media) to write and get published.
It is believed that ClimateReporters idea, if effectively mobilised on the time-tested ideals of African brotherhood, which runs on the wheels of regional and cultural linkages, may usher West Africa into the future, an era of environmental consciousness and concerted actions.
As ClimateReporters set sail, it is hoped that the capacity of West African Journalists to effectively cover a full range of climate change issues such as the African climate justice agenda, mitigation and adaptation, technology transfer, land, sustainable development, climate finance and negotiations would be greatly enhanced. These have become absolute necessities, as West Africa is one of the least contributors to greenhouse gas emissions that are increasingly making our climate unsafe.
As ClimateReporters’ energy-efficient engine roars to life across the region through its strong networking credentials, may the green information it emits and the development it engenders blow from Bamako to Freetown and from Dakar to Cotonou, sweeping away, deforestation and old farming methods that contribute to climate change and bringing better and renewable farming methods to feed a greener Africa!
May ClimateReporters rise above the failures of past attempts at regional affirmation and showcase African success stories in climate change adaptation and mitigation with a view to replicating these initiatives in all African villages and communities.
Whilst holding governments and multinational corporations to international best practices in oil and gas exploration with zero-tolerance for oil spillage and gas flaring in West African communities, it is hoped that ClimateReporters will trumpet demands for technology transfer from developed countries to Africa as well as local capacity building and the provision of climate finance to assist African countries in mitigating against the impacts of climate change. The new media alliance must lead advocacy efforts at ensuring that developed countries cut emissions to at least 40% below the 1990 levels.
As the new media portal berths, it is believed that West Africa is on the threshold of significant and constructive change for the betterment of all her inhabitants, including animals, trees and plants. If we take this opportunity to work together, we would in unison bear true witness to the great and miraculous change that will take place in our region.
At this point, it takes all the media efforts, governments, CSOs and the private sector to get involved. The time has come for us to change, evolve, grow and stand tall for our environment. Together, let us make the unprecedented leap to the green era of sustainability that awaits us.